04 Oct NSW Coptic Orthodox Board of Education statement regarding St Mary & St Mina’s College, Bexley
Dear Parents,
The NSW Coptic Orthodox Board of Education (the Board) acknowledges the emails that been sent articulating your concerns. Consistent with a previous correspondence, the Board continues to collate questions and addresses them by way of a Q&A.
Please find attached:
The brief to advise in relation to potential breaches of section 83C of the Education Act 1990 (NSW).
A comprehensive Q&A that contains:
Questions and factual answers that address concerns and remove false information.
The consultation process and detailed parent touchpoints throughout the process;
The concerns raised by the P&F and staff and how these were addressed;
A statement from the Papal Legate Rev. Fr Joshua Tadros;
The proposed layout which clearly shows that:
We will NOT be moving into demountables;
We WILL have access to parts of the Heritage Building;
The space will in fact be improved and NOT cut in half.
The steps already taken to find a new site.
Parents are asked to please check the facts in these documents and to ask questions that relate to the logistics and transition of the move. Again, for efficiency, the Board will be collating any further questions that come through the form or via email and aim to address them in the upcoming Parent meeting on Tuesday 17 October 2023 at 6:00pm.
Please place your energy with us to look at the future of the College beyond the Bexley site. Amongst the College’s stakeholder are many talented and knowledgeable individuals whose input would be invaluable as the College embarks upon the process of forging its legacy in the community. The real challenge is to work together with love and unity.
Your servants in Christ,
The NSW Coptic Orthodox Board of Education