03 Apr Farewelling His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos as Papal Legate
Please see below a pastoral message from His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos to the fathers and congregation of the Diocese of Sydney, as he brings an end to his service as Papal Legate of our diocese.
During his time as Papal Legate, His Eminence has overseen the process for the Diocesan Constitution to move from a sole-trusteeship to a Board of Trustees; the creation of various Diocesan Committees; the ordination of new priests, establishment of new parishes, the opening of new Coptic College buildings, and many pastoral and youth meetings over the past 18 months.
We thank His Eminence for his service, commitment, love and care for our diocese, and pray that God continues to grant him wisdom and guidance in his ministry for many years to come, and look forward to future pastoral visits.
Below there is also a video statement from His Eminence, and written statements from the Diocese of Sydney Clergy Council and the Board of Trustees.