26 Dec Board of Trustees – Annual Report 2022
December 2022
“Whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ giving glory to God the Father” (Colossians 3:17)
Annual Report (2022)
As 2022 comes to an end and we herald in a new year, we reflect on the past fifteen months, the work that has been done, the work we are doing, and the work we are yet to do. We take this opportunity to give thanks to God for all the wonderful people who contribute tirelessly and faithfully to the life of the Diocese daily at every level, as well as our Clergy and our operational Committees and Boards: the Board of Trustees, Finance Committee, Legal Committee, Property Committee, Constitution Committee, Safeguarding Committee, Parish Councils, Coptic Education Board and Saint Bishoy College Board.
Together, these people volunteer their time daily to support the community, parishes and diocese, so that we can build a sustainable, caring and robust Diocese that strives, with God’s grace, to function with integrity according to the highest of Christian and professional standards, both today and tomorrow.
As we give thanks, we pray God’s continued blessing upon the Diocese and all its faithful, and ask our loving Lord to empower and enable us all to do all we can for the glory of His name, and the service of His children.